Thursday, August 31, 2006

Welcome rain to the west

We had a sleepless night as the WA folk finally got a decent downpour. The caravan stood up to the test and who are we to comment on the locals needs?
So, we packed up in the rain – drove in the rain – stopped to have lunch at a Corrigan cafĂ©’ in the rain – set up at Wave Rock in the rain – and watched videos all afternoon because we could not go outside - due to the rain.
Dad went and had a look at the rock but had to cut his walk short due to the rain.
It’s still raining as we update this blog.
We have decided that we’ll leave the dishes outside (in the rain) and they can wash themselves (in the rain)
This is what happens when you get south of the Tropics in winter (it’s still 31 degrees in Broome we noticed).
Tomorrow we will look around, go surfing (in the rain if we have to) and head off the Esperance where we will celebrate Isabels birthday.

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