Monday, August 14, 2006

Another long day on the road

Leaving the flat plains of the desert (and yet another market – this one in the caravan park) behind us we moved into the Pilbra region which is more interesting as the hills are a variety of colours (red, brown, black and even gold - if the sun strikes on the correct angles).
It took us 8 hours to get to Karratha, with an hours stop at Port Headland for lunch. Originally we had planned to stop there for the night but we were unable to get a site. As it turns out this was a blessing, as all there is in this dry dusty place is a lot of industry associated with a port loading huge iron ore carriers. We saw one of these giants being guided to it’s berth by a flotilla of tug boats whilst we were chomping on our yummy rolls.
The entire town seems to be covered in a red dust which makes the asbestos houses look even older and more worn down than they probably are. The newer houses are constructed of Colourbond – the most popular being red (so as to hide the dust we guessed). The downside of this is that it makes the place look very drab indeed.
Karratha seems like an oasis is comparison. We arrived late and all we have seen so far is the Caravan Park, but we have power, shade, a great site (no. 69) and 2 days in which to explore the region.

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