Thursday, August 10, 2006

Heading southwards

With a feeling of regret we packed up our minimalist possessions and left-over supplies and started the long trek back towards Broome.
Cape Leveque and the Kooljaman area will live with us forever and we all vowed to return someday.
The road back was long and rattley, but uneventful – more red soil trailing off into the distance against the bright blue sky.
We came back to our old Caravan Park which is bursting at the seams (as is the whole town) – because tonight a “Stairway to Moon” night. This is where the full moon rises over the low tide exposed flats of the bay and reflects its image in all the pools to the thousands of folks congregated on the shoreline to watch the event.
They even set up markets to milk the most of the tourist dollar available at the time.
The photo here shows how well the event can be captured with no time exposures (must get a good camera on the next journey to the outback!) – note the people climbing the staircase!
And so we are in a non-powered site living as we would in the outback – apart from the ablution block (which is a good thing as I am sending this from the laundry as the laptop is out of battery). So tonight we Blog from the laundry – I hope the cleaners don’t mind….

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