Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Farewell to our First Guest

And so the party ends for one of our guests.
Aunty Gabby left midday today after a run around the campground in the moke with the girls and a farewell drink of smoothies at the Port Bistro.
A quick cuddle at the airport and then the “staybehinds” waved goodbye from the end of the runway.
Then it was off to the beach for the compulsory swim where the girls learnt some new tricks with the newly purchased surf mat (we’ve decided to bring them back into vogue). Whilst the adults all had naps lying on the sand (still recovering from the previous days hectic schedule).

Pre BBQ dinner drinks under the ½ moon and stars was accompanied by Louisa’s dulcet tones emanating from the keyboard.

The car seems to be running much better now – although we still have tire issues to resolve before our trek up North.

Quote of the day (on the way back from the airport) “gosh - it seems much quieter now”

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