Tuesday, August 29, 2006

And so to Perth

A very hectic day started out by shopping in Geraldton followed by a long drive though the green hills of the Western Australian Coastal region. We zipped by so quickly we really got the impression we were passing by (and thus missing) some amazing places – however we do have a schedule to move to - so onwards we pressed.
We did take one detour however (which cost us about 2 hours) to the Pinnacles –only there for about 20 minutes but it did seem worthwhile as it is such a contrast to the surrounding landscape.
Playing “The Real Thing “ to get us in the mood we continued for another long stint in the car.
We lobbed into a fabulous 5 star caravan park – had a fabulous marinara (thanks Mum) and look forward to sampling the delights of Fremantle tomorrow.

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