Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Another day at Coral Bay, yay! (Wessa’s words)

Today we spent the morning mucking around with numerous things. Dad read his book and stuff. Mum did the washing and read and slept. Isabel and I mucked around with the lap top and the settings. After lunch we felt like we wanted to do something different, so we went and booked the tennis courts for an hour. We got really hot! So when the hour was up we went for a swim at the beach. Mum left after a while and went back to the caravan. Eventually the people in the beach shelter next to us left so we got it before any one else did. Isabel played superwoman, with her beach towel for a cape. We made the most of the beach shelter, by relaxing back and enjoying every second of what we have left of the trip (24 days!). We decided to ask Dave, Lisa, Billy and Bronty to come and have happy hour drink with us.
It was another fun day at Coral Bay!

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