Thursday, August 17, 2006

A day on Ningaloo Reef

Today we went to the top of the North West Cape and had a look out from near the Lighthouse. The girls were a bit concerned about it falling over in the strong wind and so tried to stop it from happening.
The coral reef is the largest fringe reef in the world. For those wondering what a “fringe reef” is I suggest you go to as we don’t really care that much. What we do care about is that it stops the huge waves from the Indian Ocean hitting us in the back of the head whilst we look at the plethora of fish swimming amongst the vast array of different coral formations.
We went into Cape Range National Park and found a beach where you can just float in the water and (by snorkeling) drift in the mild current over the subterranean world watching the scenes unfolding below you. Absolutely fabulous (without the “daarlings”).
The fish were all shapes, all sizes and all colours. And they were hanging around in all different sizes of schools. The girls decided that the particularly big fish which Dad dived down and swam though were in a High School.
Even Mum went for a snorkel and almost forgot to look out for sharks it was so interesting.
We spent the whole afternoon there and will head back tomorrow – possibly to explore more of the park as well.

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