Monday, August 28, 2006

Out of the desert

We started the day by bidding Monkey Mia a sad farewell although we still had unfinished business to attend to in the area. Heading south we stopped at Shell Beach which is aptly named as it is all shells, shells and more shells. All the same small size and the same colour and mostly compacted together. Some of the loose ones became airborne (a curious phenomenon that apparently only happens when kids walk on the beach).
We then stopped to see the Stromatolites at Hemelin Pool – which look like rocks but are actually samples of the first living creatures on earth and paved the way for the rest by producing oxygen. They also make interesting photo’s.
It was then another 4 hours on the road to Geraldton where we have a fabulous site with it’s own on-suite (whoo hoo !) On the way the countryside turned from desert like dryness into fresh green pastures of arable land. An amazing contrast in one day.

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