Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Rosemary's chaotic Birthday

What a fabulous yet incredibly full day.
An wonerfully rich celebration for Rosemary’s birthday.
Everyone up early – Ro to face a birthday party table set up.
Everyone piles into the 4WD…
Dropped Alan and the girls off to hire the moke.
Dropped Ro and Gay at the beach to sort out the camel rides.
Collected Alan, Girls and moke.
Dropped off car for repairs.
Went back to beach to join up with camel rides.
After that went and collected the scooters.
Everyone then met back at the Caravan for breakfast of Bacon and Eggs and Birthday celebrations.
Then we all traipsed 20 km on open highway to the Mango Vinery for smoothies and tastings (ahh the open road – with the wind in your hair and roar of the engines under you – it really brought back those fond memories of those Easy Rider days….)
Back to the Caravan Park to dress for the beach.
Then off to Bank for the Mokers and petrol for the Scooters and the swimming at the beach for all.
Ro and Neil then went for a scoot to check on the car repairs.
Moke and scooters then went off to drop off scootors and collect car.
Drinks on the beach (lawns) looking at the sunset.
All headed back to Caravan for showers and pre dinner drinks.
We all then headed off in the 4WD to Town Beach Café for dinner (which was primarily related around seafood). Here Rosemary got to show off her new Opals (purchased at Coober Pedy some 4 weeks earlier)
Then we all went back to the caravan for post dinner coffee and lime tart deserts.
Immediately after everyone all went to bed totally exhausted…..(go figure!)

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