Sunday, August 06, 2006

Farewell to Cable Beach

Today was our last day in Broome and we celebrated by (yep you guessed it !) by going to the beach!.
Well actually the day started out with a trip to the markets by the girls whilst the guys packed up the annex. Then we all met at the shops in order to stock up on supplies for the next few days and then Dad dropped everyone at the beach whilst he played “stay behind” and checked the bearings on the caravan wheels.
Riveting stuff….
Then we all headed off to dinner at the same Town Beach Café where we had a wonderful repeat of the dinner we had with Aunty Gabby and a fabulous tate-a-tate with the Swedish waitress.

Tomorrow we all say goodbye to Broome. Pa leaves us and we head off Cape Leveque – without the Caravan and the prospect of 400Km of corrugated roads. (In order to reduce the stress Dad has already booked time with the local tire repair place for when we return in 4 days time!).

By the way – we think we have blog access at the Cape, but as we learnt in the NT – “you’ll never, never know unless you go” – if not - all you bloggers out there will have to wait until late Thursday night for the next installation….

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