Saturday, August 05, 2006

A most exciting event

Today – we saw a cloud! , after all we’d been though - we were under the impression the next cloud would be somewhere south of the Tropic of Capricorn , but no – to our complete surprise some appeared whilst we were at the Markets.
To celebrate – we decided to go to the beach for the afternoon.
Pondering the conundrum from the previous days blog - we fell asleep – still don’t know the answer but we feel much more refreshed from our efforts.

To those who have posted questions – here are some answers:-
Total Kilometers traveled so far:- 8388
Total cost of Fuel so far:- $2126
Most expensive Diesel so far =$1.72 per litre at Kulgera
(the average cost seems to around $1.54 – people in Melbourne should ask why is it cheaper in Darwin !).
No - the beard does not itch!
And well done Uncle G for recognizing a Midnight Oil track.

Number of tire repairs:- 5 on the car (plus balances etc), 2 on the bike, one on the van.

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