Sunday, August 13, 2006

A final farewell to Broome

And this time we mean it! So after missing the Power family at the markets (we were like ships in the night in our trips around the country) we packed up and headed off down southwards. The road runs between the desert and the sea and all we saw was scrub and grassy plains.
A quick stop at the Sandfire Roadhouse - where we passed on Sarah’s regards to her boss from 1988(ish) - yes he’s still there and yes- he does remember her !
We are now ensconced on an unpowered site at the Eighty Mile Beach Caravan park and as a consequence of being nowhere near a civilized phone service– dear Blogger - you will get this update a day late.
The beach is fabulous – more turquoise coloured waters and a plethora of shells for the kids to collect.
The tide goes out a really, really long way and when the sun sets over it we get a Stairway To The Sun effect. Almost as good as Stairway To The Moon at Broome. Must be something about low tides at sunset that does this to this part of the world.
Accommodation in caravan parks is very scarce at the moment and thus causing a bit of stress about our itinerary over the next few weeks !

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