Monday, August 28, 2006

A day of quiet recuperation

Today we caught up on the lost day yesterday… (if it was really lost). We had to move to a non powered site as the place is fully booked. This has the annoyance factor of (say) 1 out of 10. It also has the bonus of being mostly packed for leaving the next day and we had a wonderful day extending our time at Monkey Mia.
In the morning we headed off to Denham – stopping at an estuary fed lagoon along the way and then a long, fascinating time at the local Interperative centre, where we all learnt a lot more about the local area.-from geology to history with everything else in between. Back to MM for lunch and then Mum and Dad went for walks in different directions. Mum had a highlight when she met a Manta ray in the shallows.
Drinks in the afternoon at the Monkey bar with Dave, Lisa and Kids led into dinner on the same table – watching the sunset whilst the kids chased Dolphins in the shadows and then gathered and opened oysters – looking for pearls – but only finding lots of Mother of Pearl shells (you get that).
Pressure to stay on is being applied but we have to face the inevitable at some stage.
Yes – Perth does loom over the southern horizon and forwards on we must trek….

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