Friday, August 04, 2006

And the temp climbs higher !

An early start for Dad as he had to traipse into town to get one slow leak and another potential sorted out (yes the tire issues continue – for those wondering what’s going on it’s all due to sharp rocks and/or rusty wheel rims) , whilst the kids did some school work before it all got too hot and they had to hit the pool.
The temp really climbed today – it got to 39 in the annex and 36 in the van. So we headed to (yep you guessed it!) the beach. It was really hot there too, but there was some relief with the coolish water and a slight sea breeze (just enough to rustle Ro’s pages as she read her book).
The waves were back – after a week- which kept Dad happy and the sights on the sand were up to their usual standard.
Hung around for Sunset (coloured by smoke in the distant horizon – everytime I take a photo those annoying Pearl Luggers get in the way !) and Drinks on the beach before going back to the van for a lovely Chili Con Carne (whipped up by Ro in the middle of the day).
Every one exhausted.

Quote of the day from Alan – “why am I so tired when all I’ve done is sit around on the beach all day?”

None of us have an answer – but we all agree – may have to go to the beach tomorrow to see if we can resolve it…..

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