Monday, July 31, 2006

A sweep of Broome

Up earliest (not too easy for 6 people) and then off to the local Historical Museum where we gleaned an appreciation of the history of the town (which is very unique compared to any other place in Australia). We also gained an appreciation of all the junk thrown out over the years would now be valuable museum pieces….
We then had lunch overlooking the Bay, a wander down the Jetty and back (which is a marvel of modern engineering), yet more food and drink shopping and then of to ?… Yep the beach again.
Even Alan went in today.
Due to Dad worrying about the leaking differential – the car is now booked in for it’s service tomorrow, and it’s Rosemary’s birthday, and we are going for camel rides, in the morning, hiring alternative transport, going to the Mango farm, going to the beach, going out for dinner, picking up cars, dropping off transport……
The blog update may be a bit late due to the huge day looming.

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