Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A trip to the west Macdonnell Ranges

A short trip today saw us experiencing Simpsons Gap and Standley Chasm. Both well worth the look.

Both had water in them (which is unusual in this climate, however – unlike 30 years ago when Dad was here last we could go further through the Chasm which revealed a myriad of connecting chasms and eventually we ended up at a natural freshwater fountain which seemed to be a mystical place (so we took a photo).

Tomorrow we head off northwards again – in the ever increasing hope of getting some warm nights (so far every night has been at or below zero degrees which is has been quite hard to cope with in a cold caravan !)

It may be a couple of days before our next update as we may be out of range of the Bigpond network. – keep blogging though – you'll Never Never Know unless you have a Go !

(Apologies to Daryl !)

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