Monday, July 24, 2006

On the Road Again

7 hours on the road saw us pass through some interesting escarpments of the south east Kimberly region, past the Argyle diamond mine – where we stopped down stream to see if we could catch any strays (unfortunately all the ones we picked up were undersize – less than ten carats – so we threw them back).
And then onto Mary Pool (A place without a postcard – but big enough to house over 60 caravans, trailers and every other combination you could think of).
After dinner we sat around the camp fire under the brilliant stars of the moonless outback and roasted marshmallows.
Afterwards we found Supergirl in the caravan… well it must’ve been Supergirl as she was flying around and had her underpants on the outside !
For all those freezing in Melbourne – it got down to 10 over night here so don’t feel too bad.
(of course it was 30 in middle of the afternoon – but you probably didn’t want to know that)

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