Monday, July 24, 2006

Comfortably at Fitzroy Crossing

After burning the Midnight Oil, with Brave faces we headed back across the river t0 leave the Place Without a Postcard and off to Fitzroy Crossing.
An easy trip of 3 hours has found us in a fabulous “resort” type park with lots of facilities which make up for the ones left behind in the middle of nowhere.
The pool water would have to be the coldest in Australia. Luckily it’s still 30 degrees so the kids don’t mind (sorry Melbournians for the unsubtle reminder!)
Yet more clothes washing by Mum – hit of Tennis for the rest of us and we are planning a big off road day tomorrow into the Tunnel Creek area.
(10 points for anyone who can solve the ambiguity in the 1st sentence)

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