Sunday, July 30, 2006

Our Second Guest Arrives

Allan (known as FIL to those acronym minded blog viewers) arrived at midday today. This meant that Mum and Dad had to leave their luxurious surroundings and face the real world of Broome, the kids, the airport, the leaking rear diff’s etc etc.
The stress of this was easily overcome with the happy banter and yet another afternoon on the beach. Dad was partictulary happy about carving up the waves with and without the boggie board (having flippers helped enormously) – he was even getting expressions of admiration from other (admittedly non flippered) participants.
Mum was particularly happy that she spent some time surfing with an “in form” Gary Sweet (yes - the actor). She almost needed to be “rescued” by Police Rescue she was that excited.
After a quick wash we all headed back to Cable Beach to watch the sunset (over drinks at the bar) and then home to enjoy a fabulous BBQ – centered around the Mackerel fillets that Michelle and Andrew gave us in Darwin – does it get any better than this ?

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