Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Exploring the Southern Kimberlies

Many hours spent “off roading” today. Our first experience in 4wd was closely watched by a local heffer (wonder what she was thinking?). A big trip to Tunnel creek – which involved a walk through a large, very dark tunnel. Carved out by years (and more) of wet season flood waters, it provides an eerie and exhilarating trek underground. Afterwards we had to wash out our shoes as they got filled with gravel as we waded though the 50 cm deep water. Torches were a necessity as was a keen sense of adventure.
And then onto Windjana George which was very picturesque and full of freshwater crocodiles. The one in the picture surprised the bageebees out of Louisa who was about to dip her toe in the water just near it (luckily Isabel spotted it just in time).
And then a long trip home over more corrugations you could care to count and then just before we hit the sealed road – another flat ! (even after deflating the tires for the rough roads).

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