Friday, September 01, 2006

A Birthday on the road

We started today by celebrating Isabel’s Birthday with Apple Pie for breakfast and a surf down Wave Rock. It seemed appropriate that we got wet whilst doing this.
Pack up and then 4 hours to Esperance where it is cold but the rain is slowing somewhat. It’s early spring here, the roads are lined with golden wattle, blooming white heath and the occasional other wildflower to brighten our day. Endless miles of bright green young wheat and brilliant yellow canola fields reminded us of driving through country Victoria - as do the grey clouds and spots of water on the windscreen.
Upon our arrival we set up camp (getting pretty good at this by now) and Mum did the inevitable load of washing (which seems to always entail some sort of territorial conflict with other users of the facilities) and then we headed out to a local Chinese restaurant to celebrate the Birthday Girls 9th successful circuit of the sun. The restaurant we chose was so popular locals don’t bother going there because they know they’ll never get a seat.
We figured this could be the only possible explanation for us being the only people in the place.
We will stay here for a whole day before heading further east – If you (Dear Blogger) whish to call us on the phone – now is your chance, as we may not have phone reception for quite a few days once we get into the heart of the Nullarbor.

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