Monday, September 04, 2006

Blogging in the Desert

As this is written I am sitting next to the crackling fire which warms my back - I contemplate the surroundings in which we find ourselves.
Here we are in the middle of the Nullarbor Plain – set up in a roadside 24 hour rest area which could cater for 50 vehicles but only has 5. The sky is cloudless and the air is just starting to get chilly. The half moon lights the area up effectively enough to see by and the stars are faded somewhat by it’s brilliance.
It is totally quiet (except for the giggles of happy kids coming from within the caravan).
Occasionally the noise of a passing road train dominates the evening and then fades away into the distance.
Totally quiet – no noise at all.
Ultimately serene.

We spent all day on the road to get here (stopping at Norseman for Lunch – where the kids found a horse to annoy) doing school work whilst we traveled (Isabel is now looking at the changing environments as we pass through them). We got held up by miles and miles of road works and started along the longest straight stretch of road in the country (146km!!) and will spend the 2 days or so crossing the “Paddock”.

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