Sunday, September 10, 2006

Crabbing in Coffin Bay

Well the sun must’ve taken the hint and came out in fine fashion. To celebrate Dad and the kids went fishing off the Town Pier. With the tide low there were not too many fish swimming around. We spotted some large Spider Crabs combing the floor of the jetty waters and promptly started to try and catch them. After some time Dad and Louisa gave up and stated trying for fish instead, both catching small Tommy Rough which we threw back as we had our sights set on bigger targets.
In the meantime Isabel persisted and actually manged to hook 2 crabs. The first one escaped but the second – Dad scaled down the jetty and scooped it up in the bucket.
After much deliberation and photos’s we let it go (not that good eating apparently).
In the afternoon, the Girls played mini golf and Dad went for a photo shoot into the Park – spectacular stuff.
A late afternoon walk to the golf course to spot Emu’s was successful yet uneventful.

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