Saturday, September 02, 2006

Another day – another new ocean

We all got to experience a brand new ocean today. The Southern Ocean looks cold and forbidding in the distance. Closer in it interacts with the continent in ways which delight the senses. They reckon they have the best beaches in the world here. It’s hard to argue with when you look at the photo’s. We couldn’t swim (too cold) and it’s always windy (apparently) so beauty is obviously in the eye of the beholder in this case.
After a spell of shopping in the morning we did a short tour of the local coastal route and were very impressed with the whole place.
Vowing to return when the weather is warmer we went back to our caravan and prepared for the journey across the “paddock” ( a co-travelers colloquialism for the Nullarbor plain).
We hope to experience a few outback adventures (not the Russell Quoit type) and as such may miss a day or two of blog updates due to the blogless land we are about to enter…….

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