Friday, September 08, 2006

From one bay to another

From Streaky Bay to Coffin Bay down the west coast of the Eyre Peninsula was a pleasant and easy drive (after what we’ve been through). The skies are still grey and the wind cold but the scenery is wonderful.
As we headed southwards the grass got greener, the trees taller and mountains started to appear. Canola fields began to glow in the greyness and as we approached the southern reaches we saw yellow fields running into sand dunes.
We hope to be here for a few days and the forecast is for the days ahead is to get warmer so hopefully we will get to enjoy this fantastic place in which we have arrived in a pleasant atmosphere.
We went to dinner the local yacht club which was really cheap and yummy and the girls got to watch Home an Away (although apparently they don’t know what happened as they couldn’t hear it – what a shame!).

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