Wednesday, September 13, 2006

To the Border

Another long day on the road saw us leave the dry desert landscape of the top of the Spencer Gulf and into the fertile areas around Adelaide. Helped along significantly by a strong NW tail wind we ended up at a remote caravan park in Coonalpyn. This seemed a bit too remote and eerie so we pushed onto Bordertown.
Possibly not the best choice as we now have the constant roar of passing trucks as they whiz over the overpass the park is set against. There must be a least 100 an hour – makes one wonder what sort of money, fuel and resources society could save if they put them all on a couple of trains.

Question of the day:- What do you do when the park doesn’t have a playground to entertain the kids ?
Answer:- Let them total the sandpit ! – (especially if they put a tap right next to it!)

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