Friday, September 15, 2006

All successful journeys come to an end….

And so Dear Blogger – does this one.
It was a mild warm day to glide down the hills from Ballarat into sunny Melbourne, where in three months the only things that have changed are some advertising billboards, the days are warmer and the garden flowers are starting to bloom. Life on the roads seems more frantic - but that’s probably a perspective thing.
Arriving to a pristine house and garden was a wonderful welcome as were the pre cooked dinners supplied by the Inlaws.
The girls headed off to experience the last hour of the school term (and why wouldn’t they – it is the best) and Mum and Dad started the long task of unpacking and cleaning. Whilst Mum is glad to have unrestricted access rights to the laundry (elbows now only for Dad if he gets in the way) the amount to get through is daunting.
Stay tuned all you Bloggers out there – we still have some unfinished business to attend to….

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