Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fishing in Streaky Bay

This place is a fisherman’s paradise ie. Our intrepid neighbor launches his boat from his annex. There is an under cover fish cleaning table (with running water and a high pressure hose to shoo away pelicans and seagulls) between our annex and the water line.
The girls had fun enticing the pelicans in even when they didn’t have fish scraps to give away.
Everyone fishes – even the fish fish (think about it….).
Louisa has caught the fishing the bug and had us up early to hit the jetty before breakfast. Unfortunately a non-starting car put those plans on hold for a while. After some time Mum took the kids fishing and Dad took over once he’d had an ineffective time with the car.
After lunch, we went for drive to check out the beaches on the coast (very rugged and spectacular) and then Dad and the Kids went fishing off the pier again.
Isabel caught the biggest eater and we all had fun (especially once we started using Uncle Garry’s techniques)!.
Dinner was (yes you guessed it…) fish.
We also had the biggest dish wash episode of the trip so far (mostly due to the fishing and subsequent cooking).

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