Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A day in Streaky Bay (words by Ro)

I guess it is time for me to pen a few lines on our blog!
What can I say??
Life on the road, in a small caravan has been an incredible experience for all of us. It certainly makes one reassess what is important. Apart from the daily challenges, and a number of unexpected ones from bossy territorial grey nomads in laundries of various caravan parks!! It has been a wonderful time together.
Exploring…..learning an enormous amount about this “beautiful country” and people along the way. The girls are amazingly adaptive, they have gained so much and become very independent. Neil and I could do this for another three months however, we have to work!! The girls will be ready to see family and friends.
I will now handover to one of the three experts I am traveling with to add a few words about Streaky Bay other than it is COLD AND WINDY!!! The gorgeous shade of brown that was acquired up North has GONE!!!!

(Wessa’s words)
We went fishing with hand lines off the pier this afternoon. We caught nine things in total;
Five Trevalleys (one we did not keep ‘cos it was too small) (caught by dad)
One poisonous fish (we think) (caught by dad)
One Collingwood fish (well the Collingwood colours) (caught by me but we did not keep it)
One old fishing net.
Our fishing rag which was blown in by the wind.
We had a good day fishing!

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