Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More time on the road to Streaky Bay

Waking to what sounded like rain drop drops on the roof, we looked out at our wonderful view to sight grey skies and approaching storm fronts. Luckily we were getting up early anyway in preparation for a long day on the road (combined with loosing 1.5 hours at the State border).
South Australians are so thoughtful they provide roadside pictures of the scenery with the sun shinning, so if it’s not – you still know what it looks like – just in case that when you do see it it’s really cold and windy.
With dark skies to south and bright skies to the north – it was as if we were driving between the warm and the cold climates which separate the country.
After viewing the steep cliffs at the top of the Bight we found true Nullarbor country (Null meaning “no” Arbor meaning “trees” – see, we did learn something whilst we were here) .Then we headed south into trees and the gloomy weather.
We ended up with a beachfront site which means if this wind keeps up and there is a high tide, we may wake up in Tasmania.
Now that will be a view worth contemplating….

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