Thursday, June 27, 2024

The holiday rythym

There do not seem to be many sparrows in these parts creating the orchestral rhythm of the morning that we've come to expect recently. In order to explore this further the camera was set up before sunrise and left to record whatever happens while this blogger returned to the luxurious bed in the lower wing of the palace that is currently called home. Outcomes will be consumed and critiqued at a later point in time.

Missed out on the 2 point something earthquake that happened later on.

When we all decided to emerge (OS no. 1 was up long before everyone else though enjoying Sammi's company at the expense of the rest of the world) the tripod was over and we discovered later on the solar heating had sprung a leak. Upon reflection the quake may have triggered this. No doubt it was due to fail anyway. Nothing like the quake that devastated the entire island in 52/3 which apparently was a doozey.

The day was pretty much filled in by the occupants moving around the palace as they felt they wanted to. Planning next adventures, having breakfast, dips in the pool (involving lots of Sammi hugs) then maybe having another breakfast 3 hours later because it still feels like it's the morning (time check 13:30..WTF?). Your blogger filled in the time cleaning up yesterdays entry and constructing mechanical washers to support the gopro underwater capability. Could've gone into town with OSno.1 and non-blogger to purchase an Out Of The Box product instead. At $100 au for something that's at home in au it was a wise choice to stay by the pool. They eventually returned happy with their goods. And a new pair of independent coloured togs for your blogger. If these are left behind there will be no forgiveness. OSno.1 showing a natural capability of driving on the wrong side of the road in a manual. Proving the philosophy that we chose years ago when she was on her L`s to be worthwhile. Yay for solid family values (which by the way - we seem to be experiencing a significant amount of this week).
Case in point :  the social committee was always going to come up with some sort of activity. This afternoon was a visit to a local winery. All 8 riders into the mules and we were on our way. The red mule is a Fiat Panda. Apparently it struggles in certain aspects, one being the ability to actually have the required resources to get it to (say) go up a hill with confidence unless the aircon is switched off. So you can get where you want to go hot and sweaty or sit there in cool comfort watching the donkeys overtake you. This is a Bad Panda.
Welcome to the fam SIL. Great line. This is exactly what it's all about.
The winery experience was another memory to be locked away and recalled when desired. The descriptions thrown at us by the host were fabulous. Weaving the history of their business into the locale was brilliant. We tasted some wines which (given the overview) may have rated poorly otherwise got some very positive feedback. The term indigenous vines was intriguing. We Aussies love an indigenous story (we're slowly coming to grips with it being part of our cultue) so upon querying the term here means the varieties have been here since ancient Greecian times. Et tu brut and subsequent consequences may have happened after a big session on this stuff.

In typical large group tourist style (7 aussies and 1 pom) we dominated the aural bandwidth. Pity the poor young couple next to us who we could all tell she did not want to be there (no alcohol) and he did (small amounts). We're just hoping they weren't German due to the unchecked before its put out there about how aurally grating the language is.
The extended family group is melding nicely. A different mix traversed home to the compound. MIL1,Osno1 and the FILs in the back seat of the BadPanda went to the local Aldi equivalent to restock, whilst the others went straight back to jump in the pool.
Everyone then contributed to creating dinner except for two. One was your friendly blogger who made himself scarce by pretending to be busy capturing some long winded event elsewhere and OSNo.1 who was constructing her entry into the margaritas competition. Managed to have a dip in the pool while attending to the job of turning on the BBQ whilst everyone else was contributing significantly.

The bar has been lifted in the comp. It will be difficult to beat the Greecian blue salt rimming the glass (let alone the wow factor contents), however there are two entries to go and three nights to deliver. It will be fascinating to see what they can do.

The meal following was quite simply put..amazing. As it transpires FIL1 has a history as a chef in seafood restaurants. Two nights ago he calmly sat back as this blogger pretty much crucified every item that hit the hotplate. Tonight all offers of help were kindly (albeit expertly) rejected. Quite rightly so. Master chief at work here. It was a privilege to consume the outcomes and to be able to eventually contribute in some way by cleaning some of the dishes that SIL had left for this blogger to do.
Consuming this fabulous fare in this extraordinarily luxurious premises in an incredibly picturesque locale whilst being accepted into such a loving family is beyond words.  Well at moment at least....time will tell if they can be found later.

1 comment:

Margd said...