Always seem to waste a day when transferring locales, not the entire day in this case though. We had the annoyance of a total power outage to wake up to, which made it a bit difficult getting everything packed in the dark bathrooms etc. Hopefully as we've now been on the road for a month we have a reasonable notion of what we're carrying and didn't miss anything.
Somehow managing to get 4 grown peeps and all their luggage into such small mules we bade the luxurious compound farewell and went off to the relatives cafe to while away a couple of hours. This was a great way to fill in the time. In no particular hurry, we managed to get in two coffees and a decent brunch doing exactly that. Strange building (for Greece) in that it was made of weatherboards, wide veranda`s and was decorated in old northern European style. Suggest an influence there from the rich Villa owner.
Like all local places they purport to use their own ingredients. Believable in this case due to thier chooks, ducks, fruit trees and vegi gardens in plain sight. As was the dominating concrete water tower which had developed its own stalactite due to a slow leak. Maybe they'll fix it in Greek time.
It was then off to the airport to say farewell to the newlyweds while the six of us waited an extra hour for the plane to arrive, unload, load and depart for the capital of pickpockets. A very fast hop, jet engines cutting flight time in half had the hosties scurrying in order to serve the best bickies yet and black coffee. Will no doubt be up late again due to that hit. Great views of the island and coastline we had cruised around two days ago.
Once again the social committee organized things nicely, here Uber and taxis are combined so that worked really well with OS no.1 joining blogger and non-blogger in their ride with her luggage in the other. The roads of Athens are extremely well made and the trip into town was 10 times longer than the Corfu experience yet only twice the price.
Our room is a definite come down after having our own palatial wing on the island, so we got out of there and headed over to the others hotel and launched our assault on the town from there. Its actually quite difficult to take a photo in this place without getting the Acropolis in the background.
The city has changed, it still has the same basic landmarks but is now so full of tourists its hard to move. And it's not peak season yet. The amount of shops selling souvenirs has exploded, subsequently it looks exactly the same as every other place we have visited, albeit with different coloured wooden penises.
Using devices to locate suitable places based on recommendations from the hotel lobby we made our way to a spectacular rooftop establishment which was air-conditioned to start with and once the sun set they slid aside the windows and rolled the roof back. One strong gust of wind and stuff flying everywhere the roof was returned.
Apart from a warm bottle of rose` causing some consternation the fare (as an entre`) was fabulous with two servings satisfying the 6 of us easily. We then hit the streets. In order to hunt down a gyros in the Plakka. Took a while to get there (much longer than the standard 10 minutes as advised by gmaps). The touristy area (which of course we are imbedded in) was chock a block. Full of starry eyed visitors pretending not to notice the brightly coloured wooden artefacts, yet knowing they were somehow going to manage to get one home anyway. Preferably stashed in their companions luggage.
Made it to the Plakka, dived into the throng looking for a wrapped gyros with no luck. All the takeaways shut for the night. Sat down at one place - mostly in order to relieve bloggers aching legs. Recognizing that the food options were exactly the same as every other menu we'd seen over the last week and then on device consultation MIL1 found a suitable place, we apologized, got up and we retraced our steps out of there. The brightly coloured milling throngs left to their own devices (artefacts surruptiously stashed out of site).
Finally hit gyros gold - an extremely popular place with a big table out the front surrounded by stools which due to the high turnover and teamwork we made a place to sit and thoroughly enjoyed the food. Just like we remembered it and OSno.1 was satisfied that the mission was successfully completed. Job done. An ice cream stop around the corner and it was then the call of Go To Bed.And yes - we were all wearing shoes.
1 comment:
Athens is so interesting!
But home is good!
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