Monday, June 03, 2024

An extra long night

 Leaving in the evening is the way to go. Had the whole day to get the pad ready for the pooch sitters. Leaving him gnawing on a bone in the hub we flipped by Abbotsford to be chauffeured by OS no.1 and Partner to the international terminal for a seamless queue sequence to unfold. A pleasant hang in a Spanish themed bar whilst the big bird got ready for the cross hemisphere jaunt.

Turning left when boarding away from the queuing (and obviously jealous hordes) we ended up at the front on the bird. Down below, yet still micro seconds ahead of the plebs and miles ahead as far as space, service, food quality and drinks go. At 40,000 feet we lurked in the shadow of the planet for 14 hours of constantly disturbed slumber, due to the crew phaffing around in the cupboard directly above this bloggers head - pretty much soiling the upgrade experience.

Arriving in Dubai the sun finally caught us, however as we stayed in the terminal for the two hour rest stop we avoided the 32 degree heat of the Arabic morning.

1 comment:

Margd said...

I'm jealous too - never sat up the front!