Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sammi the seahorse

Dawn broke over the villa, perched high on the hill the sea below slowly became visible and then gained the magical blue colour that it is renowned for as the light became more intense. To the east of the villa on the hill looms a huge mountain, the recent scars of its dance through time clearly apparent on its upper reaches. It's so high it holds back the full moon appearance by a couple of hours. The sun is more belligerent in its appearance though, by casting significantly more lumens around the place.

By the time its rays decend on the villa on the hill most of the world in these parts has been active for hours. Not so in this joint. Everyone slept in. Even this blogger who had been up, surmised what possibly happened (as above), had breakfast, coffee, cleaned up, sorted the drying clothes and was wondering if the rest of the crew had been slipped a moggi the previous evening before OSno.1 appeared. One by one they eventually all did the same, refreshed, in good spirits and ready to hit the day , starting with straight into the pool for MIL1 and FIL1... and why not. It's there and you can't do this at home (If you could you wouldn't bother to come here). Probably feeling a sense of responsibility OSno.1 finally arranged a possie to head to the local beach to check out the logistics and see if it was safe for backup to follow. Love an adventure. Six of us, two umbrellas and a whole lot of attitude (as in - embracing exploration) headed off on foot, in the now hot midday sun to traverse the roads then the many concrete steps, rocky shore lines in search of the promised sand. Eventually landed in a small crowded cove, found a spot, set up the brollies (an absolutely vital component to the success of the event) and subsequently squatted there for an hour or so.
The water is crystal clear, warm yet the best place to be in the heat and very buoyant due to it's high salt content. We've seen this before so it's hardly worth mentioning, however dear blogger - why possibly miss out on a detail that by doing so would diminish the effectiveness of the verbiage.

A highlight here was the kids jumping off the rock overhang, based on the pushing of their dad. All performed in the natural beauty of the place.

We then treked back by jumping over rocks to a slightly more accessible beach and met FIL1 (Andy) and MIL1 (Julia...and that's it for the intros) and spent a while hangin there. More bodies beautiful on display. If you've got it, flaunt it. And thank you from all of us who don't.
Blogger, non-blogger and OSno.1 then wandered up and enjoyed an iced coffee at the only joint in town before walking back up the hill. Had a nice throw together lunch before heading off in the sliver mule for a supermarket enabled restock. Fun driving a manual for the first time in a long time. Purchased vittals plus a blowup pool floating sea horse which SIL kindly went to the lung busting effort of blowing up. Frolicking in the compound pool then ensued with Sammi leading the herd of animals up and down the waterway. Eventually waterpolo broke out with the two FILs resoundingly beating the team of SIL and DIL.
The restocking enabled an eating in cooking dinner evening,which was kicked off by the first entry in the margaritas competition.

Setting the bar high was Maddie. A fabulous effort. Scores done elsewhere.

Afterwards the feast in the BBQ level of the compound was extraordinary. Not just because of the company but also the salubrious surroundings applying significant enhancements to the scenario. They have a circle of truth lounges as well as a dinning setting.
Sammi the Seahorse was a highlight. It's focus and determination in exiting its natural habitat (the pool) was captured for future slow TV viewing, much to amusement of all.

Eventually tethered by its tail its possibly the highlight capture of the entire trip so far.

It was a memorable evening for all the right reasons. One of them being it was a great end to a great day.
It's probably worth mentioning that this is being wordsmithed whilst luxuriating on a leather lounge, in our whole to ourselves level of the mansion, chilled music playing, no one can hear, they're all asleep in their own isolated environments....awaiting the dawn (lol..not).
Well maybe they can hear... as I can now hear them clunking around above. I'm sure Sammi doesn't mind though.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Perfect day!