Monday, June 03, 2024

Sun in England?


Back on an identical bird we then lumbered up into blue sky to flap our way to the land of Brexit. Strange how the world changes... last time we flew over Iran. This time it was Kuwait and Iraq as the safe passage.
The Black sea is blue...why hasn't anyone done something about this?
Turkey starts seeing the land turn mottled green, with snow capped hills. And then the rest of Europe is covered in clouds.... probably emanating from England.

And then much to our surprise it was a beautiful sunny day in London. Not sure what's going on here as this is not what we expect of the Motherland. Drery and depressing is the world wide known norm in that respect and here we are. It's a sunny, balmy 25 at the airport where we collected the luxurious and ultimately expensive wheels and hit the roads. The extra cost of the GPS was worth it as we currently have no local data plans on the devices and paper maps are no longer a thing.
Without too many hiccups we stressed our way along the M25 dealing with numerous road works related slow downs and a sense of wonderment at how a fabulously engineered modern beast does not have a persona. Yes it has 3 points. None of them indicating voice enablement.
Ending up in the east of the isle in the county of Sussex we eventually found our way to the hotel which was a total surprise in that we scored a room with a view.

Paul picked us and took us back to their wonderful house (a.k.a. bungolow) where we had a very pleasant evening meal whilst making plans for the ensuing days activities all whilst consuming the obligatory  drinks.
Pity the poor taxi driver on the way home who was told that when he goes to Canada soon he has to see the Viagra Falls.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Glad you arrived safely. Hope the taxi driver enjoys the falls!