Thursday, June 06, 2024

Looping over to Bucks

It was a easy organisation of the paraphernalia into the cases. As the days roll by the dirty clothes bag slowly consumes the clean ones.

After breakfast at a fancy looking tea rooms on the main strip it was farewell to the Seven hotel with its awesome outlook,  mumbling lift, recalcitrant shower and hot corridors. A quick stop by P&Ps to say good bye to Ollie the cat and we hit the highway.

It was a relatively smooth trip. With a few loops backwards and multiple circuits of various roundabouts as the voice of 3star speaks when physically prompted and then she doesn't just when we need her.
Huge complex roadside stops caters for everyone, even those who need their pokies fix mid trip. Possibly trying to cover the costs of the consumables purchased.
The landscape around Milton Keys is adorned with huge distribution centers looking like distant mountains due to the clever layers of cascading blues which create a sense of vertigo before the wary driver understands what they are looking at. All of this is as we weaved our way though a seemingly endless series of roundabouts. Arriving in Buckingham felt a bit like coming home as this was now our 3rd time. The charm of the town speaks volumes compared to down Essex way.
Timing our arrival to perfection, just as Sarah got home from work we promptly started being annoying Aussies by hopping into Nick's beer before he got in from work.

Their renovations are wonderful and we made the most of their back patio which overlooks the vivid greenery of the ancient parklands, bathing in the patchy sun, catching up on the last few years gossip with the church bell tolling 5pm in the distance.

Whilst the gentry gently laid their balls on the bowling green outside we had a spectacular meal put on by Sarah before the four of us wandered up the road to the Mitre Inn for couple of bevvies.
Being a Wednesday evening and pretty much the only pub in the region that does not serve grub, on display was a typical English knees up. Reckon they've been behaving like this in here for centuries.

We had to leave early unfortunately in order to get couple of hours kip before the serious part of the next leg gets underway. So we wandered back home again, taking far more steps than on the way there with the hedges, fences and gutters guiding us in the general direction. Sort of like bowling balls when they have alley buffers installed for a kids birthday party.

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