Friday, November 11, 2022

That’s a wrap

 A very simple series of events got us back home with no stress. Up early, pack the bags, tidy the abode, give the bags to the bag girl who arrived as we were leaving, and buggied down to Bob’s as threatened for coffee and a couple of chicken wraps for the plane ride home.

Having a few minutes free, we ran the buggy over the hill one more time and conjured a mission to get a colourful snap a tree we’d noticed a couple of days earlier.

The wait at the airport was long enough to get hungry again and so we wrapped our choppers around the wraps before boarding and we thus satisfied enough on the 3 hour journey not to have to spend any dosh on their limited offerings.

Arriving in Melbourne to a colourless cloudy day was a bit of a letdown, We did learn though that taxis have special access to lanes on the freeway and thus the trip home was faster and cheaper than Uber. Being greeted at home by Offspring No.1 and the pooch was enough to lift anyone’s spirits.

In order wrap up the blog (not the chicken) – here are the answers to the intriguing items spuriously posed upon arrival to the island:

Why no cars?  - So someone can make a bucket load of money from the 900 carts on the island. They pay for themselves in 12 weeks. After that it’s simply a river of money flowing in.
Why is everyone so happy? - Balls
Why is the grass greener down south? – it’s the dry season here. The only really green grass is watered frequently.
How does that Cockatoo fly with so little feathers? – it’s his daytime begging suit. Puts on his bomber jacket to go out with his mates for the evening.
Currawongs auditioning for scary movies? - they are naturals for the part as they evil, sneaky, viscous and daring. It will not take too much to turn them into flocks of co-ordinated killers. Watch out when the revolution comes - they'll be leading the charge.
Are the wallabies really native? - not to island, however who would dare suggest they can't stay as they are sooo cute.
Why build a yacht club that can replicate scenes from the Titanic? - because money speaks louder than words and when you have unlimited at your disposal you can metaphorically yell really really loudly. 

So farewell HI and thank you HIE for running the place so well. We’ll be back (actually already booked we are that keen)




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