Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Peaking over the passage

The significant natural landscape feature of the island is known as Passage Peak. it defines the easterly views we have have consumed over the last week or so and so today was the day to conquer it - why? because it is there (and it looks like a mountain). When? Today - because we have massages booked afterwards which will alleviate the stresses and strains of our weary limbs. Well that was the plan anyway. 

The hike up was hot in the lee of the consistent sou-easterly created by the hills we traversed. The path has recently been remade which made the trek possible (looking at the old paths we cris-crossed it must have used to be a real mountaineering adventure). Well crafted and manufactured signs showed us the way - interesting typo on one of them (meters to go) makes one think their quality control is lacking a bit. The views on the path were quite often superior to the views off the path (which is saying something). Hundreds of newly minted steps led up up a switchback track that eventually got us to the top of the peak to expose the awesome 360 degree panorama of a significant section of the Whitsundays group. 

Loitering around the newly crafted platform whilst the fierce wind blew away the sweat and toil from the trek was an opportunity to take it all in. We even had an eagle drift on by through her circumference of the island. After taking plenty of snaps the trek down was undertaken. Given shonky knees and aching muscles the flippant advise of the jovial jogger who passed us early on the way up as he was bounding down "it's much easier going down that up" was quickly dismissed as an uneducated anecdote from someone who has a lot to learn in life.

Stumbling back to the flats - the buggy (ne: cart) was a godsend and well worth the exorbitant fees just for this trip alone - along the hotel adorned foreshore, over the tree lined hill and down to Bobs for our very delayed caffeine hit and accompanying snacks under the shade of coconut palm trees on the harbor lawn . Now we are long term residents of the island we are well versed in the behaviors of chip packet stealing Currawongs and needed to educate one lady who gave up trying to save the parcel (by eventually getting it off the thief and putting it in the bin) and the hapless new arrivals who had left it in their buggy for the taking in the first place. As we later drove past, it was good to see the bird was back in buggy eyeing off how to destroy the whole shopping bag in order to get to the next packet. heh heh - everyone learns a lesson.

Cat's Eye beach was too inviting it ignore, so buggy-ed back down there. Now that we are long term residents of the island we know how to create our own parking spots and we were promptly on the beach - washing away the stresses of the mornings adventures in the sand filled wash of the high tide. Cat's came and went, given the lack of skills of some of the crews it's surprising we didn't see a cat capsize.  Pity - spent all that time waiting to see them fail only to see them all eventually sort it out and off they went. Dry. No chance to point and laugh. Obviously this fascination the world seems to have with scornful laughter at other peoples misjudged misfortunes is just a wasted exercise. So one SUPped a bit the other kayaked a bit and said hello to a large Green Sea Turtle whilst doing so. 

Back up to the abode we whiled away a couple of hours soaking in the viewy ambiance and then headed back down through the palm defined canopy's for the planned activity for the day. The local spa was literally reeking in aromatic vibes as we were ushered into the soothing rooms of peaceful tranquility. Luckily the ride-on lawnmower outside quickly faded into the distance as we were rubbed and scrubbed in blissful tranquility. Only obtained if we did the mandatory three deep breaths as we started of course. The unstated challenge in these situations is to stay awake. Not much point paying hundreds of backazoids just to sleep through the whole thing - we do that every night without paying for it - so the first snifter of snore - wake up! even if the jerk startles the masseur , who then in turn knocks over a flask of incredibly expensive perfumed oils.. smashes on the ground and the tranquility is subsequently broken by the need to bandage bleeding bare feet. .. ahhhh one wishes that happened - just so it could be put in the blog. Alas.... it didn't. Blogger just stayed awake, Non-Blogger can't remember. The days previous activities (lets work out the legs and then get them massaged) was a plan that also didn't come to pass because legs were not on the booked agenda. Backs were and then it was flip over and lets have some intensive activity on the face shall we. Hot steam towels, wipe on oil (assuming essential), wipe off, tissue soaking, hot steam towel, wipe on oil etc etc. repeat umpteen times and there you have it. you've been rubbed. Well actually the rubbing happens when you pay in order to exit the joint. Can't complain though - considering yesterday was bookended by celestial events it's only appropriate that we spend dosh on the "celestial healing" properties of ground amethyst based face creams - may your face shine like the full moon (except when there's an eclipse - that color would be a tad awkward).

Afterwards the valley balcony vista was attempted to be captured by the blogger as a slow TV experiment. The ideas was to capture the flock of cockatoos which own the skies of these parts - performing their high-jinks, social interactions and crowd behaviors. Seems they are camera shy though as the few that did flit around (performing very impressive 720 degree dive rolls) did it outside the camera shot. In the end the dude who was fit and healthy week ago and decided to have a go at the moisturiser returned. Looking for more. We didn't give him any.

Afterwards, we headed back down to the Italian joint to experience their chiefs outputs once again and once again they were fantastic. To get a table overlooking the harbor and sunset and be offered the full menu - you need to book months in advance (which is why the astute people in the world have a travel agent as a partner). Now we are long term residents of the island we know all you need to do is rock up early and get a table out on the street and get the best that the chef has to offer anyway. Had a delightful meal (again) and would (again) classify the dish as one of the best ever consumed.

And so with the flocks of bats circling overhead in the deepening blue sky we quietly headed up the hill in the buggy wishing all and sundry a quiet night sleep. 


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