Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Beautiful today


Our one-night stay in the salubrious bungalow without a view seems now a distant memory as we are now perched higher up the hill, have a view of the Whitsundays which is truly magnificent and have transport that puts us in the upper echelon of society that befits our status. Sure, our buggy is obviously not privately owned (no mag wheels and the same white colour as the 900 other rentals on the island) but it does move at exactly the same top speed as any other – regardless of their owners’ obvious wealth. The buggies probably deserve their own post, so in the meantime the days story must be told…

A stroll around the corner to the local café that serves good coffee to people, gum leaves to the captive baby koala and good riddance to squealing tots resulted in a very pleasant beverage in the bungalow before we sorted the logistics of moving from one abode to the other. Everything on the island is controlled and coordinated with timely aplomb. All we needed to do was get back to the reception, meet our bags there, lockup our valuables, wait for lift, drive to the airport, register for the new place, receive the keys to the buggy and we were off!. Released from the shackles of legging it (or the potential ignominy of catching a bus!) we now have freedom to go where ever we like, whenever we like. – just so long as it’s at exactly the same speed as every other vehicle on the roads.

The Bakery for a late late’ breakfast – eaten with the fun of fending off the aggressive Currawongs on the edge of the harbour was a pleasant interlude before heading over the hill to collect our lockered stuff and check out the new abode.

Whoo Hoo – this place is awesome. Catering for two couples in luxury – the one is literally swimming in space. Thus we did by unpacking and then hopping back in the buggy, and shot down (at pace!?) to the main beach had a swim and a snorkel with the tide out. Needless to say, the beaches here look inviting and practical when the tide is in. When it’s out, it’s a long trek to get to a depth where it’s useful. However, the water is warm, refreshing and lots of colourful fish abound close to shore. Not so bad for a first splash.

Went for a drive around the island and realised that the distance one can travel is extremely limited. It’s either stay close to town folks or leg it to other parts of the place. So plans set in place for future adventures. Back to the abode for a relax by the pool for one and on the couch for the other before heading to the harbourside for pre’s and then over the hill for a very picturesque dinner beach-side before speeding (!) back up to the abode in the dark to settle in for the evening.

The weather was bright and sunny today … possibly the whole scenario was (dare I say it?)…beautiful.. one does wonder what tomorrow will bring?...

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