Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Hamilton Island Intrigue

Launching out of a cold blustery spring Melbourne morning to arrive in a hot blustery blast as we exited the plane door was unexpected and lucky not to loose our hats in the process.

Jetstar delivered us and our bags with little stress despite the 30 minute delay at Tulla as bearded dudes in high vis wandered aimlessly around pipe ensrouded vehicles seamlessly throwing fuel into the wings. We had seats prior to the engines so got to witness the reason for the delays and once airborne the noise was less and we made good time.
Being here for over a week gives us the opportunity to discover what is actually going on. There are many things to uncover, poke around under the coconut palms and daquiri's whilst using observation and unwarranted supposition to answer so many questions that obviously need attention.
Why no cars?. Why does everyone seem so happy? How does that cockatoo fly with hardly any feathers? Are the wallabies really native? What's with the Currawongs auditioning for an Alfred Hitchcock flick? Why is the grass in Victoria greener than here in the tropics? Why build a yatch club that can replicate scenes from the Titanic?

And so we landed amongst milling inwards and outwards throngs at the airstrip. No stress and no hurry was the vibe and so eventually we bussed and checked in. Loaded stuff into a locker, ditched our winter garb, tried to stop sweating and whiled away a few hours on the beach, lunch in a bar beside the beach, a dip in the pool before being courierd (via buggy) to our one night stay in a bungalow.
We don't have a buggy yet. So we are therefore second (maybe third because we scorned the free shuttle bus) class citezens and walked over the hill and down into the heart of the town.
Ever so slighly different if you were to (say) walk down into a village on the Mediterranean sea.

Here the stark difference is they have an IGA and they blocked the main thoroughfare to celebrate a thoroughbred event. Horses were the excuse, a big screen, loud broadcast, alcohol and that happiness mentioned earlier meant the catwalk event was thoroughly entertaining. Both for us smirking observers as well as the enthusiastic participants.

Pre dinner drinks on the sinking ship inspired club balcony was a prequel to a second stop at the IGA for in home consumption and back to the bungalow for delivered pizza.
As the tropical rain pelts down from the dark skies the juxposition of open doors vs mosquitos vs aircon vs ceiling fans weighs heavily on one's mind.
Welcome to the north Grasshopper, you have much to learn.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Finally found the blog! When i tried on the phone it gave me a map of Kalorama in reply to "wheretheheckrwe"!