Thursday, November 10, 2022

Cockatoos and Cocktails

Last full day of this particular chapter was exactly as one would hope it to be. Now that are we are long term residents of the island, we know exactly what to do, why we want to do it, when to do it, how to do it, who we need to manipulate to do it, who we have to pay to do it and who we need to politely ask in order to get it done (which pretty much covers all the previously stated criteria). Upon awakening to the abundant sensual overload which is the dawn bringing the day to the water bottomed, hill lined, fluffy cloud topped valley that is our bedroom view this blogger realised that the missing reading glasses from the previous nights adventures are probably lying on the ground when the buggy was parked before leaving for dinner. Leaping out of bed, into whatever clothes were within reach and opening the door to look down and see the aforementioned specs, lying on the driveway – exactly where the epiphany had said they would be. We are second story up, so a quick couple of loops down the concrete stairwells, just as a buggy went past. Timing is the art of comedy and so as the blogger was thinking, that buggy is gunna do a loop and come back, he steps out on the driveway and yells out “stop” whist throwing up his hands in the universally recognised road sign to do so. Driver swerves and stops…. Split seconds after the crunch sound.

“What”? asks the driver. “Never mind” is the forlorn reply “you may as well move forward”. And so she does. Second crunch sound as the rear wheel traverses the specs. As the tangled mess is lifted from the concrete all we hear is “sorry I didn’t see them”. Should’ve gone to SpecSavers. Ha bloody Ha – that’s where they came from in the first place. Anyway – it says something that this prose is being composed using the same goggles – maybe a bit skewwhiff yet still functional…Bloggable at least.

Making the most of our aforementioned knowhow we got coffees from the Koala folks and then bullied our way into getting a cat to do a spot of sailing, afterwards taking to the kayaks to do a spot of turtle spotting. No luck there – it must’ve moved on. Wildlife does seem to be fickle when it comes to wanting to spot it spontaneously. After the obligatory foot wash when existing the beach, it was back in the buggy and off to Bobs on Front Street for some well-earned vitals. We have decided that Bobs on the plane tomorrow will be the go, so beware Bob – we will be back to Bobs.

The afternoon was the inevitable wind down, siestas and a dip for one, another slow TV vid capture for the other as the minutes ticked by into whiled-away hours. We were very happy as were consuming our pre dinner aperitifs on the balcony that our friend from yesterday dropped in. Obviously the spa treatment we had recommended had done wonders for his overall health and wellbeing. Essential oils combined with rejuvenating sessions will do that, even for cockatoos apparently.

Our last night’s pre planned activity was a fine dining experience at the Yacht club, being early we found a slot on the same balcony that we precariously perched on when we first arrived, now that we are long term residents on the Island we knew exactly how to land a seat and celebrate a fabulous adventure with a couple of fancy shamancy cocktails before heading inside.

This building is an architecture and engineering marvel. The more you look, the more you uncover and thus appreciate. A specific highlight is the way they have entombed their local hero (Wild Oats XI) into the building. Its butt is exposed to all and sundry in the foyer and its nose extrudes outwards over the marina, forever a reminder for generations to come that not only was a great destiny created here, it was done with much sweat, toil, aplomb and most of all - shite load of buckazoids.

Inside the restaurant we were duly greeted and thus seated in a fab upper terrace seat and got watch watch the fading light of the western horizon shine off the balding heads off the front seat row below us. Our waiter was an experienced upper class snob dinner officiator who was very entertaining and had moves not seen ever in fine dining (like I have experience here ?!) however the blind turns as he pirouetted around the table whilst delivering water to the glasses holding the bottle from unconventional angles seemed to be practiced moves like something from the movie Cocktail. His wine buff skills or his delivery movement skills may get him a part. The moustache wont.

A great finale to great adventure. This is the place to relax, take it easy and enjoy life., Tomorrow there may be a wrap up, but that’s about it for now. And a final pic just to show off what the view going to sleep is like: 









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