Thursday, November 03, 2022

Perfect the Next

 One could almost surmise that the day was perfect. Go figure.. yesterday it was beautiful and now this. Not sure where the advertisers go from here . Yes Laura here we are ... why keep nagging?

An extremely early start was in order to capture the incredibly impressive view as dawn crept over it. Luckily one could set and forget only to be woken by the sounds of an insecure tripod toppling in the breeze. Considering the amount of feathered friends who hangout on the railing it would've been easy to blame them for the topple. But no, it was only the wind and a blind ignorance that it'll be ok. No damage just a bucket load of editing as a result.
Onto the days interesting activities.... there was some serious buggy exploration of the towns streets awaiting the opening of the local coffee (ne: Koala showcase) shop in order to deliver non-blogger the affore mentioned beverage in bed before we packed,  hopped in the jalopy and  drove to the ends of the civilized world (about 900 meters) to start our hike.
Legging it is the only way to find a quiet beach on the island. We chose to go to the nearest and due to blatantly ignoring some signs advising that we should not head there.. we did. And what a find. Thanks to the aforementioned signs we found ourselves on a secluded little idealistic spot that had many characteristics. E.g.
No one else but us.
Tide fully in - picture perfect.
Tide less than full - rocks appear.
Tide low - somewhere in the distance there is water.
The crows are clever enough to open zips on back backs.
The rocks have sharp oyster shell toppings which slice through city dwellers feet as if they were made of butter.
Being nicely sheltered from the gentle wind it was very relaxing swimming, then sitting, then flapping around like stranded fish as the water levels rapidly diminished.
With images of blatant nudity slowly fading from ones memory we relaxed under the false shade of the tree as the water line receded and the crows continued their persistent commando attacks.

After sussing out some seriously weird bush exercising equipment and a bush turkey nest up the beach we wandered back to civilization along the now exposed flats. Much shorter that way. So there are pros and cons to the tides here. When they're up - looks good and you can swim. When they're down you can shortcut home.
Me thinks up is better.
All of that summarised a fairly busy morning. The rest of the day was spent in the pool by one and feet bandaging and mid arvo snooze by the other.
Heading up to One Tree Hill (poorly named - must be at least three up there) for pre's along with seemingly half of the islands population we managed (thanks to non-bloggers skills ) got seats and enjoyed the ambiance which included views, drinks, dudes, dudettes, wedding parties, laughter, happiness, sunsets, islands, waterways, boats plying through turquoise waters, pine trees, palm trees, pristine beaches... yadda yadda. You get the idea. And so we left the queuing throng as we had our fill of perfection for the day , jumped into our perfectly parked buggy (the drinks queue was wrapped around us.... oh, we are so superior not only do we have a buggy but because it beeps when in reverse you have to get out of our way! ).

With a quick stop at the IGA on the way home we finally experienced the delights of sunset BBQing from our abode. Forget these fancy pancy restaurants. This was (is) fabulous.
Subsumed by the vista of the light fading over the valley, the squawking cockatoos gave way to the clouds of fruit bats, whilst on the distant hill the headlights of the buggies defined the otherwise imperceptible roads that we are coming so familiar with.

Now in total darkness the strange morbid cries of some loneful creature pierces the stillness of the night. Suspect it's not a gecko. Almost certainly not Keith Williams....then again...

1 comment:

Margd said...

What a great day!