Saturday, March 11, 2023

Bustling around Busselton


It seems inevitable that when heading off on a new adventure one needs to arise before the sparrows start letting off and so it was with us this morning (again). With the house ready for the dog siterers it was off to the salubrious T4 for a toastie, a long wait and the inevitable long walk through the corridors of boredom to get to the plane which could not have been further away from the hub if they tried. 4 hours of more boredom in the air and we arrived in a flat, dry (somewhat parched) landscape of SW WA for the next adventure. Really do like country airport terminals – so much more efficient than those big city hubs where they get to spend bucket loads of money seemingly just to see how much they can annoy the hordes. Might try catching the train home instead.

Jumping into our jalopy for the week we headed straight into the bustling town of Busselton and whiled away the hours. For a large country town this is a trendy place, even the dogs are cool. Brunchy type morning tea (crossed some time zones, so the stomachs are slightly disorientated) in the old gaol was followed by stroll through a boot sale market (yay – nothing to see here folks!) and on to the famous pier. Originally skeptical of its famed length, it became apparent that yes, it is extensive when you see past the bend. Wandering over the endless concrete slabs the green colour of water was immediately striking and wondering why it was so became obvious when the plaques of all the deceased came into view. Ashes will do this to the water so it seems.

They have a train which ferries the tourists to the end and then back again. Runs every hour. It was full.

Someone is making a lot of money here. We walked (which still costed), and fully enjoyed the wonderful sunny, warm, slight sea breeze conditions experiencing the fabulous weather which is the norm in these parts this time of the year (so we are told).

After the stroll (!) along the pier we bustled around town a bit more, found another market (indoors and possibly struggling to maintain relevance on a warm Saturday arvo) and GLORY BE! – an Aldi !. So with the back seat fully stocked of vital supplies (aka vitals) we headed west to Eagle Bay.

The beaches are spectacular and there are a plethora of them. This place is paradise, unfortunately someone has called it such and yes (as the song goes) it’s about to be kissed goodbye. Nice time to be here though (in the juncture) so we still get to see the beauty of the locale whilst enjoying the recent additions to the area.

Like our salubrious B&B accommodation (greeted with bubbles) and the fine dining experience, which was in a “Modern Spot” (still trying to deconstruct that one). The dinner was fabulous and a great lesson in how to sell a product e.g  make sure the waiters go to great detail to explain every item that’s on the plate and the punters will appreciate it all the more. The most expensive restaurant in town and it was packed. Full of beautiful people leading their beautiful lives. Happy times... Maybe that’s what Modern Spot means.

Back home in the dark was a fun challenge on the unfamiliar roads but we got there eventually and crashed out after an extremely long day. Looking forward to the exploration of the area and trying to understand more of the local vernacular.



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