Sunday, March 12, 2023

A day in Eagle Bay

Waking to the sublime view of the day slowly brightening the calm waters of Eagle Bay was certainly a great way to start the day. Upon a later closer appreciation of the abodes residing on the hills in the neighbourhood it becomes apparent that this is the norm around these parts. Money has been spent over the years and continues to flow in. Significant premises with absolute beach frontage adorn the lower reaches of the locale, whilst those up the hill (like ours) have views which one should never get tiered of. Woe betide if you did. We are certainly not there yet.

Not when a gourmet breakfast is served on a calm warm morning looking at this view.

Afterwards we strolled down the hill to the beach and to finally plunge into the crystal clear waters just to see if they are as welcoming as they appear to be enticing. Yes they are. Enhanced by circling SUPers the swim was exquisite and refreshing. Uplifted (even more) we decided to stroll up the beach taking in the ambiance, friendly greeting the occasional sand-groper whilst snapping every vista within an inch of it’s life. After all …rule of thumb here – take ~50 photo’s for each one posted.

Spending a bit of time loitering around the point of sand we can see in the distance from the abode was thoroughly delightful. An eagle appropriately loitered overhead. The birds on the rocks out there appeared to be loitering as well. I guess the significant difference is that this is what they do every day, whereas we just pass by, take a snap, post it, provide some commentary and move on. Share it, so to speak. Tomorrow, and the next day and to ad infinitum, they will still be loitering on those rocks.

Generation after generation…loitering on rocks…as the planet spins on it’s axis as it twirls around the sun as the whole configuration of the solar system whorls its way as an extremely small part of the ever expanding universe. Those birds continue to loiter. Probably far wiser for it.

Not even considering the possibilities of a wider galactic purpose to the enduring life and beauty of the place we were more than happy to struggle back through soft sand, up the steep hill in sticky togs, just so to rinse off and head into town for a decent latte’. Dunsborough does almost seem to be a heavenly location…with its picture-perfect streetscapes and cafés adorned with gorgeous foreign youngsters it certainly does have a certain ambiance. Even the Harley riders are cool, hip and quickly disappear out of earshot after consuming their caffeine hit.

Stocking up at the IGA we then headed back north for a couple of km’s to have a dip in Meelup beach. Seriously starting to run out superlatives here, however with the horizon dotted by moored yachts, the water crystal clear, the sand brilliant white and the rocks defining points at the ends of the bay you may get the idea. Humans being what they are we were driven away by observing some inappropriate parenting and the need to rest up before the afternoons adventure (geebers…is it only just lunchtime?) .

After some R&R back at the abode we headed off to the Eagle Bay Brewery for a late lunch/early dinner. Stopping on the way at the vineyard across the road to see if it was worth a subsequent visit only to discover how transparent some of the locals really are. 

The brewery experience was very sandgroperish (assuming all people in WA are like this of course – limited exposure so far I guess). Full of happy people, enjoying the warm weather and the wonderful hospitality provided by the hosts. Costs don’t really seam to matter. All is good in the world. As the warm afternoon sun slowly lengthened the shadows of the trees in the brown paddock over the fence the bright green grass on this side perfectly supported the gentry as they played corn hole as their kids frolicked on the cool green carpet. The beer was pretty good as well. As was the pizza. Pity about the noise in the room. Non-Blogger moved us out and it was far more pleasant.

A short jaunt back to our room for a hangout to watch the light fade over the bay. The horizon is extensive…it looks like it could go on forever…somewhere out there MH370 resides (maybe) and a couple (or a few?) curvatures away is Monkey Mia and more beyond that...Ningaloo reef. Maybe again one day...

So a night-in ensued – as it turns out the national broadcaster broadcasts nationally so we could watch the same stuff that we could at home. At the same time of the day. Maybe Sand-gropers are the same as us?

1 comment:

Margd said...

A lovely couple of days Keep enjoying!