Saturday, April 27, 2019

The long haul home

All went well. The tollway is like any other major highway in the world. i.e. no TukTuks. Security is all over the place. Police and Army out the front of every religious place of worship. Some places are quieter than usual. Some are the same busyness - apparently. The outskirts of Colombo were shrouded in a sea-mist come fog/ smog and a spectacular sunset lingered on the horizon as we drove to the airport.
They have countdown timers on their traffic lights. Very useful. We got through the increased security OK and spent an hour or so in the Executive lounge at the airport thanks to Non-blogger's astuteness. The flight home went ok although no sleep was had by your friendly blogger due to a variety of factors. Great to be home with the family (including ball obsessed dog - without the mange). Will happily return to SriLanka when they've got rid of all the idiotic cell members (they got a few more today, so they're onto it)

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