Monday, November 11, 2019

Off to the land of the long white cloud

An easy uber to the airport with the only stress being the huge traffic jam dropping people off. Wierd. You'd reckon they'd have worked that out by now. Anyway, all good with the flight so short the latest Tarantino movie didn't even get to finish. Wellington is wet. Just like home. Actually catching the same cold fronts that go over concreted flat Melbourne. Wellington is windy and the roads are windy. Met at the arrival gate by our fellow Musketeers (Adrienne and Helsa ) we were driven through windy windy Wellington and headed up to the spectacular abode of Helsa and Todd (& kids) to soak up the awesome views across the bay and out towards Cook Straight.
We had a great night catching up as the rain steadily got heavier and overnight it torrented down. Unbeknownst to us, back across the ditch NSW was being blackened. The world is getting weirder.

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