Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Looking around

A bit of a sleepin helped catching up on the horrendous jet lag one experiences when crossing the ditch. Well that's the excuse anyway. After a brecky of vegemite on toast (think about it) we headed to the other side of the island, expertly chauffeured by our Tikitour guide Helsa.
The aim was to get out of the persistent rain as well as check out the local sights around southern west coast north island. SWCNI as locals refer to it...not really, but they should considering they use SWY to abbreviate "speedway" on their road signs. Collecting Adrienne from her wonderfully located abode in Waikanae we headed further north to Oktaki to do some shop grazing whilst the rain stopped and the sun started to win its never ending battle with the clouds. Interesting that a small sculpture of a sheep costs more than a real one.
A commando style stop at a lavender farm for a quick photo shoot was followed up with lunch at the local favorite pizza shop/bar/restaurant at the beach side escape locale of Waikane. A short stroll on an incredibly photogenic beach followed.
We then drove around the area taking in the sights and local playgrounds like the swimming hole in the river. Way too cold at the moment to even consider such activities. Shortly after we were rocketing back down the highway and back up to Newlands to cook a curry, have some laughs, discuss the world (when exams are on) and watch the light slowly fade over the calm waters of the sound. Fabulous.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Lovely pics. Enjoy!