Sunday, November 17, 2019

A day in the museum

Waking in Waikanae it was a leisurely start to another sunny day. Before too long Helsa arrived to take us back down to Wellington where luggage was off loaded and a trip to the museum was in order. Being the main PC activity of the day it was many hours well spent and will leave an indelible mark on all participants as we continue our journey forward.
Lest We Forget is three simple words with so much power and meaning. The Gallipoli exhibition explores how this message can continue to be passed on through the generations.
Before that one though Paige and Taine guided us geriatrics through the standard local pieces which were simply outstanding. The highlights being the volcano, the earthquake house and the confetti room. After a 2nd refreshments stop in the cafe for lunch we ploughed into the Gallipoli extravaganza (possibly the wrong descriptive) which was amazing, depressing, exhausting, exhilarating and most of all highlighting. Highlighting the fact of how sheer stupidity can result in such far reaching consequences. The 7 key sculptures are twice the size of reality yet with such fine detail that when that detail is examined closely the emotion being experienced by the subject is also conveyed. The chronological story of the folly is told on the way through and by the time we stumbled out of the place it was hard to express what we had experienced. Lest we forget.
Well done to our Kiwi mates for bringing this to life so vividly. After a hop back up to home Todd generously took us back into town and watched the Musketeers gorge into food and wine whilst he had to resist. More heroics greatly appreciated. Sending him off home we hung around the cool trendy parts of the city, enjoying lots of ambience combined with laughs, reserved table snatching and struggling with hidden doors that allow one to exit from libraries converted into bars. Needless to say the taxi ride home was pretty funny.

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