Monday, November 18, 2019

Hideaway to Home

Another quiet start with no humanity noise seeping in from outside the hut. A little seedy from yesterday's activities however that was soon washed away by the crisp clean air. The pack up and cleanup went well. After nursing the groceries in we now had to nurse the rubbish and recycling out. Literally could not pack another item into the car, however we managed with the vehicle bottoming out on the gravel as we wound our way up and over the artist's palletted hills. All is quiet in these parts on a Monday morning with the only people spotted being the grader driver and a few Probis types in cars and on mountain bikes. Really keen they were to tackle these roads. Heading back into Greytown for a cuppa and browse the weather slowly turned. By the time we were heading back up the "hull" it was bucketing down and blowing a gale. With the steep sides looming above and disappearing below it is easy to see why they sometimes close this road. Motorbikes would be in serious trouble.
Adrienne did a fab job of negotiating it and getting back to T&H's to say farewell. Helsa and Paige then took us to the airport via the tooting tunnel. Great local joke/game. She scored an 8. We got a laugh, especially as we had seen it on Wellington Paranormal just a few days ago. One last blast of Wellie wind at the airport, more farewells from our Tikitour guides and onto the plane. Just occasionally you get lucky. In this case the only vacant seat was next to us...woo hoo! No cramped conditions so a very comfy trip home. Greeted at the airport with Izzy and Tai. Lou'd cooked dinner and thus the fam is complete. Great end to a great trip.

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