Saturday, March 19, 2022

Halls Gap

After 2 long years of pandemic induced stayathomefolks we get to venture out into the wide world again. Unfortunately due our western kin deciding that a breakaway nation is a cool notion we can't spend this week swimming in the crystal clear waters of the southern WA coastline and have to swap close up with white pointers with close ups of kangaroos, emus and kookaburras at Halls Gap. Victoria. Australia.

"Travel the world young man" they said "for there be rich experiences which will make one become a wise person". Yeah right...Thus we are forced to endure the joys of our own back yard for the next week, and after a pleasant 3.5 hour drive we landed in the Grampians and promptly secured a seat in trendy brewery to while away the time before dinner at local pub, a drop in stroll through a textile market (where the locals sell products made from textiles - as compared to the raw textiles which was another event around the corner, down the road, apparently).

Followed by a very pleasant stroll through the milling touristy throngs to devour an ice cream whilst the warm desert breeze slowly cooled as the suns power diminished and the impressive rock ridges that dominate the skyline slowly darken and loose their detail. They are still there, whether they are visible or not, looming over us all, immovable, foreboding, and thus enticing...tomorrow we venture within....

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